
#how to reduce cholesterol


Many People consider Cholesterol adversely, but it has both a negative and positive impact on our body.

Cholesterol can be found in every cell of the body and without it, our bodies would not work appropriately.

However, Excess of everything is bad. High level of Cholesterol in our bodies creates problems.

High blood Cholesterol, also known as Hypercholesterolemia, is a medical condition that increases the level of bad fats or lipids in the body.

High Blood cholesterol can lead you toward medical condition corneal arcus and xanthoma

Xanthoma: It is a medical condition that causes the growth of fat in our body. This can be anywhere in a body like under the skin of eyelid, back or internal organs such as the stomach).

Corneal arcus: It is a condition in which grayish-white rings are formed around the one or both cornea of eyes. These grayish-white rings are fats or lipids that have framed because of typical maturing or incessantly increasing level of high blood Cholesterol or different lipids.