Most people are just following the guidelines they can find in health magazines for muscle building.
The problem with these plans is that those who endorse them don’t follow them consistently, are genetically talented, or have never started training the way they suggest you.
The plans in the magazines will not musculature you and will only lead to deception and injury.
Most people need to start building a foundation before building massive muscles. You must get used to regular training and get on with a plan to prevent over-exercise.
The muscle building takes time and that is no surprise. But what if you can do it quicker by working more smartly instead of more immense difficulty.
Well, that’s exactly what we want to go over today, the sixteen important and best muscle building tips for beginners and naturals.
Increase the strength

Muscular Strength is one of the 5 components of fitness.
Greater strength contributes to improved muscles. It’s that simple in this part.
Starting from a firm strength training foundation is a perfect way to start.
Start of training with light weight training helps your body to get used to regular loading and you can then add weights as needed.
Starting with the lightweight let you learn the right form and angles to reduce the risk of injuries.
Once you start feeling accustomed to a certain weight, increase it. If you want your muscles to grow, your muscles must do more than they are used to.
Increase Meal Frequency

You will need to eat a lot if you are trying hard for muscle building.
Trying to eat more frequently is the only way that you’ll be able to eat enough the whole day.
When you are trying to build up more muscle, the only way you can keep building up your muscle will be by increasing the quantity of healthy food you eat all day.
You don’t need to start with eight to nine meals a day when you start to bulk up.
You might initiate with four or five meals a day, but your diet also needs to be improved as your muscles grow.
You need to get used to being uncomfortable with the amount of food that you have to eat. You need to get used to the feeling of being full just like feeling hungry when you’re cutting.
This is a compromise that you must make to achieve your goals.
I know, intermittent fasting is quite common right now, and I really like intermittent fasting.
But I don’t recommend intermittent fasting if you seriously want to build as much muscle as fast as possible because it’s only going to make it harder to eat the number of calories required per day.
Increase Your Carb Consumption

This is a very effective tip that most people don’t follow.
The majority of beginners have an obsession with the intake of protein and therefore neglect the other important macronutrients.
Protein is of course important, but enough carbohydrates should be 3 to 6 ounces of the protein source per meal.
You’re gonna want to increase higher especially if you’re a hard gainer and when we say to increase your carb consumption, we don’t mean to eat more sweets.
We are talking about only eating low glycemic healthy sources of carbohydrates like brown rice, sweet potatoes, yams, buckwheat, and barley, etc. You get the idea.
There are two reasons why you want to increase your carb consumption the number one reason is that carbs are very insulin genic.
You want to increase your insulin levels when you are attempting to grow your muscle in opposition to burning fat.
Even though insulin will move energy into your fat cells, it is also the hormone that moves energy and nutrients into cells of your muscles.
It basically protects your muscles from breakdown and encourages the growth of your muscles.
The second reason why you want to have more carbs in your diet is that you’ll constantly be refilling the glycogen stores in your muscles and this gives you enough strength to lift more weight and do more intense gym training.
Carbs will help you to make the overall exercise volume improvement. So, you need to consume more carbohydrates regularly.
When you’re having the types of carbs that we just laid out for you, multiple times a day, you’ll find that it’s definitely not easy but it’s worth it because those carbs are going to let you have a more rigorous workout.
Eat Protein

Protein is important in muscle building. Your body requires one gram of protein for a pound of body weight for maintaining and muscle building. More or less will not make an enormous difference.
Red meats, fish, tuna, eggs, and dairy products are some popular sources of protein.
You should also probably add protein supplements in your diet if you are exercising heavily.
Whey protein shakes are quite popular and proven working effectively among bodybuilders and strength trainers.
However, if you are consuming sufficient Lean Protein every day, a protein supplement is not needed.
Increasing Intensity Overtime

If you’re a natural trying to build more muscle then it’s critical for you to focus on increasing intensity over time.
Gradually lifting the heavier and heavier weight over time is the finest way to increase intensity.
You must concentrate on increasing the weight on the bar or dumbbell gradually.
This is why the first tip that we started with consistently increased your strength and your muscle size.
However, even if you do not follow that exact process, the priority must be to increase the intensity of your training by increasing weight over time for each workout.
When you prioritize lifting heavier and heavier weights over time, you set up one of the best situations to build more natural muscle.
Increase Training Frequency

This tends to mean that you want to increase the number of days you ‘re actually trying to hit the same muscle group or the same muscle groups per week.
Of course, before you hit again the same group of muscle, you need the rest of at least 48 hours and even, some people need more time to recover completely.
You can however double the intensity by working your chest for instance twice a week rather than just once a week.
An easier way to understand this is if you’re normally doing chest days and you’re getting in twelve sets by doing it twice a week, but after increasing the frequency of the workout you would be able to do 24 sets rather than 12 sets a week.
More work or volume during the week leads to a more total outcome for people who try to hit at least twice weekly each muscle group.
In fact, working on muscle more regularly has shown to increase muscle growth rate in a number of studies.
To actually achieve this, you need to adopt a split training style and this is a hint of next tip.
Split Training Styles

For muscle building purposes to Strictly gain size, you need to be better off with a split training routine rather than a full-body routine.
Great split training routines include combining chest, shoulders, and triceps then on a separate day you could do back and biceps, and then on a separate day, you can do legs.
Additionally, you can do opposing muscle groups like you could split it up where you’ll perform chest and back workouts one day then legs the following day, and afterward arms which would include shoulders biceps and triceps on a different day.
If you’re trying to do this twice a week then you would just repeat going back to that very first day.
In one study of Baylor University, A group of beginners gained 12 lb of muscle in just ten weeks using a Four-day split training Program.
Split training is going to work better because you have more of an opportunity to focus on one muscle group or on the muscle groups that you’re trying to break down and completely break them down and this is exactly why you need to follow this next tip.
Borderline Failure with Every Single Set

Ideally, you don’t want to fail with all your exercises if you work out very often.
But you want to spend at least a few sets hitting failure on key compound lifts, the lifts that you are trying to get your strength up into.
Failure isn’t the point where it gets too hard and starts burning so you just stack the bar that isn’t a failure
Failure is a point when you can’t lift the bar up anymore and the bar is one rep away from coming down and crashing down on you.
Apparently, you need to do this safely, particularly if you are going to make a full out actual failure, you’ll want a trainer.
Use Free Weight

Free weights offer numerous benefits compared to machines.
Free weights enable you to lift more weight and increase in just about every combination.
The use of free weight forces all your smaller muscles to grow, enhance your overall fitness, and develop useful strength.
Some machines often push your body to move around unnaturally.
This can cause injury later and can be prevented through the implementation of free weights.
The machine balances the weight, taking off a substantial portion of the load.
The greater the load, the higher the benefits would be.
Train Your Legs

Your legs have the body ‘s biggest muscles. If you’re trying to build size and strength, working on your legs as much as possible makes the most sense.
Squats are a great workout for the entire body and are generally accepted to be the most effective workout in strength training.
Free-weight squats should be focused and no support of machine should be used. Make sure your hips are relatively lower than your knees.
This will help to grow your muscle faster and thoroughly than squats with machine assistance.
Deadlifts are another great workout that you ought to concentrate on.
It makes absolutely no sense that deadlifts will lead to larger arm muscles, but they will do so especially for beginners.
Don’t waste precious time on bicep curls, if it ensures the deadlifts are cutting out.
Focus on Compound Exercises
Compound exercises are exercises that involve more than one pivot point and multiple muscle groups.
Sometimes, they are called “core exercises,” and should serve as the basis for any workout plan for beginners.
Most of the magazine programs promote a series of exercises focusing on isolation.
These are the common exercises that many people practice every day in the local gyms.
For a well-toned and solid foundation, things like bicep curls, triceps, and leg extensions are great.
However, for at least one year, these things should not be your primary focus and you should not even include these things in your workout program.
Rather than, your focus should be on important core workouts such as squats, bench press, barbell rows, and deadlifts.
These exercises work in different muscle groups each and provide you with a good foundation on which you can build yourself later.
Do Your Cardio Training After Your Lifting

For beginners, there is a common belief that they need to do their cardio workout before they do weight lifting.
Actually, the Cardio workout session should be performed either after weightlifting or after another session.
The reason is that you need energy for weight lifting since it mostly relies on muscular glycogen, while fat can be used as fuel in moderate cardio workouts.
If you lift weight first, you feel the increase in power gain and put maximum energy into the lifts.
Take Rest For Muscle Building

For muscle building, Rest and recovery time is almost as critical as training time.
Your muscles do not grow when they are working but while resting, they grow.
When the outcomes from your workout that you wish to see are not apparent, make sure you sleep well.
Five or six days per week pro athletes do the workout. It is worth noticing that they have not started at that level.
You must realize however that you are not a professional athlete. As a beginner, you’ll need more time for recovery for muscle building.
In addition, you need to make sure that you are drinking more than enough water. Proper hydration plays a significant role in the growth of muscles.
It’s not a bad thing to drink two or more gallons of water a day, but some may get used to it.
Start drinking 2 cups of water per meal, in the beginning. Also, Drink one cup before and another after workout.
This is common questions among beginners that How Long Should You Rest Between Sets?
In general, for muscle building, longer periods (two to three minutes) work better than for shorter periods of rest (60 seconds or less).
Incorporate Training Style
The Next tip for muscle building is to incorporate training styles like supersets and drop sets.
A superset is when you do two workouts, back to back, without any break, and usually, you want to focus on the same muscle group for both exercises you chose for muscle building.
You could do a bench press for chest for instance and then follow immediately on the cable cross-machine with a chest fly.
The drop sets start with your heaviest weight and after being right at the point of failure, you bring the weight down a bit and continue four more reps.
You could repeat this process of bringing yourself to failure and dropping the weight down several times to fully exhaust the muscles that you’re working on.
Use a Combination of Weight Machine Exercises with Free Weight Movement

Free weight exercises are generally preferable to weight machine exercises.
But, weight machines for beginners are a great way of easing the weight lift process, while also helping to ensure that you are in the correct form.
Try to combine free weight exercises with machine exercises to achieve the best of both worlds.
We advise beginning with those lifts first that require the greatest balance for example dumbbell lifts. followed by those lifts which require less balance, for example, barbell lifts and end with training machines that require no balance.
The positive here is that every lift involves fewer and fewer muscles to stabilize.

The final tip is in the supplementary domain. You don’t need to take all of the supplements marketed for muscle building.
After your workouts, the only supplements you really want will be protein powder.
A great pre-workout consisting of natural ingredients and creatine are the only supplements that you need to build your muscles.
You may also get dextrose, a pure form of sugar, and use it after workouts session with a protein shake to spike insulin levels so that you gain more nutrients, amino acids, and glycogen.
Because you’re trying to put on muscles, you do not really need things like B, C double A’s, and l-glutamine you’ll simply require things like protein creatine and pre-workout.
Definitely stay away from all those of weight gain bulking powders you can make your own by starting with whey protein and then adding coconut oil oats whole milk or almond milk and dextrose.
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